ACIMEX achieves a new performance with the creation of a new lifter, specially conceived for the handling and the fitting of wall panels. CARDINAL EDIFICE, a building company located in France and an expert in building construction, initiated the project.
ACIMEX adds a new lifter to its Concretelift range
The Design Office and the production team of ACIMEX worked on a new type of lifter for the very specific needs of their client CARDINAL EDIFICE. This new product is able to lift concrete panels and to install them on the wall of a building. The challenge was to conceive a handling tool able to handle a 4-ton wall panel from a horizontal position to a vertical one, in order to install it with precision in the front of the building. ACIMEX took up the challenge.
A technical feat for this ACIMEX lifting solution
This new ACIMEX lifter represents a major innovation for the manufacturers and the installers of precast concrete wall panels. The lifter is fixed to an excavator, a common lifting media on the field, and lifts the panel owing to the vacuum system, the core business of ACIMEX. The panel can be moved in 5 different directions with our vacuum lifter: right and left, up and down, front and back to be as closer as possible to the wall, in rotation up to 340°, and finally, it tilts to manage the panel inclination and front movement for an accurate position of the panel against the wall. This vacuum technique provides CARDINAL EDIFICE with a really safe activity: there is no operator near the lifter, and the motion panel is precisely controlled.
Satisfying results for ACIMEX and its client
The lifter is now in production for one of our client’s projects: it answers their expectations and successfully ensures its mission.
ACIMEX, the expert in heavy handling, can work with you on your projects. Please contact us or ask us for a quote.