Aircraft industry: ACIMEX, a major actor

ACIMEX has developed its Skylift range, high quality suction cup lifting equipment to grip aeronautical parts in absolute safety.

Aircraft industry handling and ACIMEX

Bombardier, British Airways, Air France, Dassault, EADS, Figeac, etc. These international companies recognized in the aircraft sector have one point in common: they have all called on the services of ACIMEX for the handling of their parts. The French company has been designing quality and custom-made vacuum lifters for aircraft handling with its Skylift range for more than 30 years.


ACIMEX Skylift lifters for the aircraft industry

Fitted with rubber suction cups with various shapes and dimensions, ACIMEX Skylift aircraft lifters guarantee full respect for the integrity of the parts. An advantage for businesses in the aircraft sector who work daily with parts machined from expensive and noble materials with high added value, such as the carbon. These automatic handling devices can lift up to five tonnes, and guarantee that the aeronautical parts are not damaged or deformed.

In addition, these machines with their two separate vacuum circuits provide optimum safety for the operator. The handling equipment that ACIMEX designs thus provides safety and reliability in aircraft sector factories.

aircraft lifter miniature

Click to download the ACIMEX aircraft lifter brochure

ACIMEX, the expert in heavy handling, can work with you on your projects. Please contact us or ask us for a quote.