A busy autumn for the ACIMEX workshop

As the new school year begins in 2024, the ACIMEX production team is hard at work to meet the year's peak demand!


Strong growth for ACIMEX business

Production at ACIMEX has only intensified throughout 2024, reaching its peak this October: no fewer than 8 machines are being manufactured simultaneously in the SME's Production workshop in Saint-Avertin, in the Loire Valley region of France.

During this busy period, the production team is rising to the challenge thanks to an optimized organization. Clamps, concrete turners, railway rail positioners, tube-holding spreaders... orders are pouring in from all sectors of activity, proving the efficiency and adaptability of ACIMEX production operators, whose broad range of skills enables them to manage these different projects at the same time.

Unique lifting projects

ACIMEX's strength lies in its ability to innovate and adapt to each customer's specific requirements.
While ACIMEX's catalog includes standardized products such as release tables for laying XBlocs and segment demoulders, the manufacture of customized machines remains one of the French SME's strong points. The entire team is currently working on a rail-laying machine for French railroad maintenance. In addition, a well-known ACIMEX machine has been reworked to better meet our customers' field requirements. ACIMEX also knows how to make its flagship products evolve, but we'll talk more about that in a future newsletter!